Assoc. Prof. Quang Vinh Nguyen – Group Leader

Research Topics: Immersive Analytics, Visual Analytics, Information Visualisation, Human-Machine Interaction, Medical Data Analytics.

Brief: his main research areas are in the fields of Immersive Analytics, Visual Analytics and Information Visualisation, including Medical Data Analysis, Graph and Network Analysis, Graph Drawing, Applications with Visualisation and Visual Analytics, Visual Collaborative System, Human Computer Interaction, and related research areas. His research is now focusing on theoretical and domain specific research on Visual Analytics, Information Visualisation and Extended Reality based on the synergy of both human’s visual strength and automated analysis for medical and genomics data, relational data and other applications.


Prof. Simeon Simoff

Research Topics: Artificial intelligence, Data mining/analytics and knowledge discovery, Human computer interactions, Virtual worlds and immersive environments, Visual computing, and Visual data mining and analytics.

Brief: Professor Simeon Simoff was previously a Professor of Information Technology at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is a founding Director and a Fellow of the Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia. Currently he is an editor of the ACS Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT) series in Computer Science and ICT. Prior to that he was the associate editor (Australia) of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.


Dr Zhonglin (Jolin) Qu

Research Topics: Explainable AI, Visual Decision-Making, Data Storytelling.

Brief: Dr Zhonglin (Jolin) Qu is an associate lecturer in the School of Computer, Data & Mathematical Sciences at Western Sydney University (WSU). Her research focuses on Explainable AI, Visual Decision-Making, Genomic Data, Data Storytelling, Visual Analytics, Machine Learning, Information Visualisation, Virtual Reality and Metaverse. She has published 15 peer-reviewed papers in the past six years, seven of whom are the first author. Zhonglin has ten years of industry experience as a software engineer before becoming an academic. She has been a subject coordinator, lecturer and tutor at WSU and UTS since 2018. She has taught university subjects in Visualisation, Visual Analytics, Systems Analysis and Design, Object Oriented Programming, and Artificial Intelligence ranging from 20 – 85 students.


Dr Chng Wei Lau

Research Topics: Visual Analytics, Virtual Reality, Immersive Analytics, Data Engineering and Data Science.

Brief: Dr. Chng Wei Lau’s main research areas are in data science and data engineering, specifically in immersive visualisation, VR/AR/XR, AI application, synthetic data generation (health specific) and ethical AI. He is currently exploring the use of AR in the integration of robotics and AI applications and harmful language in social media.  He has 17 years of ICT working experience inclusive of more than eight years of managerial exposure in various capacities with solid program/project management and organisation skills in a geographically dispersed team environment. Nine years of experience in software design and development with extensive experience in Enterprise application.

Prof. Daniel Catchpoole (Adjunct)

Research Topics: childhood cancer research, tissue pathology, genomics and cell biology.

Brief: Prof Daniel Catchpoole is an expert with over 20 years of lab-based research experience in the area of childhood cancer research, tissue pathology, genomics and cell biology. He has been working in the School of Computer Science and the Biomedical Data Science Lab in the Australian Artificial lntelligence lnst¡tute for the past 2 years, but prior to this for the last 17 years (our first paper was in 2OO4). These projects bring together, skills and knowledge in data analytics, artificial intelligence and software development with Dan’s expertise in the molecular basis of childhood cancers and genomics to develop improved mapping of cancer treatment pathways. This is transformational research, and has in recent years received significant funding to support ongoing research and development from sources including the Cancer Institute of NSW and the Sony Foundation.

Prof. Mao Lin Huang (Adjunct)

Research Topics: Visual Data Analytics, Information Visualisation, Human-Machine Interaction, Infographics Design. Graph (Network) Visualisation.

Brief: Professor Huang is an internationally recognized Data Visualization Scientist, known for his expertise in Hierarchical Data (Tree) Visualization and Dynamic Information Visualization. He invented or co-invented many data visualization techniques. Among them, eight techniques are included in the TreeVis 2.0 [A Visual Bibliography of Tree Visualization 2.0 (] as part of its recommended 341 Most Remarkable methods recorded in the entire history of hierarchical data visualization. Professor Huang, so far, has published 212 research papers in high quality journals and international conferences. He has supervised 15 PhD students towards the completion of their doctoral dissertations in the above fields. 

Research Students (in Alphabetical Order of Surname)

Rani Adam (PHD candidate)

Research Topics: Immersive Medical Data Analysis Using a Unified Framework and Voice Interaction.

Mohanad Alasiri (PHD candidate)

Research topics: Adoption of Business Intelligence Systems by Saudi Small-Medium Enterprises.

Neha Naik (PHD candidate)

Research topics: Immersive Technology through the lens of Behavioural Data Science: Fostering Certainty in Clinical Decisions

Md. Shahadat Hossain (PHD student)

Research topics: Visual Analytics and Immersive Visualisation for Genomics Data

Abdul Jabbar (Master of ICT Research student)

Research topics: Object detection

Fatima Abdul Sattar (Master of ICT Research student)

Research topics: Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Genomics Data

Additional research students from other staff members.

Alumni (in Order by Completion Years)

Dr Zhonglin (Jolin) Qu, PhD thesis title: Improving Trust in Complex Genomic Data Analytics with Explainable Artificial Intelligence.

Dr Son (Jason) Chu, PhD thesis title: Methods for DDoS Attack Detection with Deep Learning.

Dr Girija Rani Karetla, PhD thesis title: Optimised Hybrid Deep Learning Models for Classifying High-Dimensional RNA-Sequencing Data.

Yezihalem Tegegne, Master of Philosophy thesis title: Parallel Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Using GPU Acceleration.

Dr Chng Wei Lau, PhD thesis title: Intelligent and Immersive Big Data Analytics with AR-VR.

Dr Nader Hassan Khalifa, PhD thesis title: Interactive Visualisation of Complex Genomic Data With 3D Game Engine.

Dr Jesse Tran, PhD thesis title: Design Principles for Managing Cognitive Overload in Interactive Analysis of Corpus Data with Visualisation.

Rezina Akhter, Master of Research thesis title: Enabling Fairer Assessment Strategies On Learning And Teaching With Analytics.

Belal Saeed, Master (Honours) graduate, thesis title: Enabling Smart Home Health with Positioning and Movement Sensors.

Psychology Honours Graduates (In Order by Completion Years)

Ashlee Gronowski

Jing Ng

Beth Holloway

Denise Metcalfe

Rosa Quan

Nikita Lomov

Ciara Fletcher

Natalie Miller