Assoc. Prof. Quang Vinh Nguyen – Group Leader
Research Topics: Immersive Analytics, Visual Analytics, Information Visualisation, Human-Machine Interaction, Medical Data Analytics.
Brief: his main research areas are in the fields of Immersive Analytics, Visual Analytics and Information Visualisation, including Medical Data Analysis, Graph and Network Analysis, Graph Drawing, Applications with Visualisation and Visual Analytics, Visual Collaborative System, Human Computer Interaction, and related research areas. His research is now focusing on theoretical and domain specific research on Visual Analytics, Information Visualisation and Extended Reality based on the synergy of both human’s visual strength and automated analysis for medical and genomics data, relational data and other applications.

Prof. Simeon Simoff
Research Topics: Artificial intelligence, Data mining/analytics and knowledge discovery, Human computer interactions, Virtual worlds and immersive environments, Visual computing, and Visual data mining and analytics.
Brief: Professor Simeon Simoff was previously a Professor of Information Technology at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is a founding Director and a Fellow of the Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia. Currently he is an editor of the ACS Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT) series in Computer Science and ICT. Prior to that he was the associate editor (Australia) of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.

Dr Zhonglin (Jolin) Qu
Research Topics: Explainable AI, Visual Decision-Making, Data Storytelling.
Brief: Dr Zhonglin (Jolin) Qu is an associate lecturer in the School of Computer, Data & Mathematical Sciences at Western Sydney University (WSU). Her research focuses on Explainable AI, Visual Decision-Making, Genomic Data, Data Storytelling, Visual Analytics, Machine Learning, Information Visualisation, Virtual Reality and Metaverse. She has published 15 peer-reviewed papers in the past six years, seven of whom are the first author. Zhonglin has ten years of industry experience as a software engineer before becoming an academic. She has been a subject coordinator, lecturer and tutor at WSU and UTS since 2018. She has taught university subjects in Visualisation, Visual Analytics, Systems Analysis and Design, Object Oriented Programming, and Artificial Intelligence ranging from 20 – 85 students.

Dr Chng Wei Lau
Research Topics: Visual Analytics, Virtual Reality, Immersive Analytics, Data Engineering and Data Science.
Brief: Dr. Chng Wei Lau’s main research areas are in data science and data engineering, specifically in immersive visualisation, VR/AR/XR, AI application, synthetic data generation (health specific) and ethical AI. He is currently exploring the use of AR in the integration of robotics and AI applications and harmful language in social media. He has 17 years of ICT working experience inclusive of more than eight years of managerial exposure in various capacities with solid program/project management and organisation skills in a geographically dispersed team environment. Nine years of experience in software design and development with extensive experience in Enterprise application.